Support & FAQ

Is AnimalCare® a website, desktop application, or mobile app?

AnimalCare® Software is a mobile-friendly website optimized for desktops, tablets, and phones. You don't have to download or install anything and you don't need any technical staff.

What are the system requirements?

All you need to use AnimalCare® Software is an internet connection and a web browser!

Mobile Devices

Android, iOS, Windows Mobile

Desktop Browsers

Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 9 & 10, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera

How much does AnimalCare® cost?

AnimalCare® Software pricing is based on two factors: 1) the total number of animals actively tracked and 2) the features selected. You can pay month-to-month with no long-term commitment, or get a discount if you pay annually. Check out our Pricing page for detailed information.

Is there a limit to the number of users or animals?

There is no limit to the number of users. The more active AnimalCare® Software users at your facility, the better your data is going to be.

Animals are limited by your subscription level. Check out our Pricing page for detailed information.

What are the terms and conditions of using AnimalCare®?

Our Terms & Conditions are located here.

What is your privacy policy?

Our Privacy Policy is located here.

What happens to my information if I decide to cancel my service?

Your data belongs to you. Upon cancellation of your service, simply send us a request within 90 days and we will provide your data as a full export.

What technologies do you use?

AnimalCare® Software is based on the latest Microsoft technologies including Windows Server, SQL Server, and ASP.NET MVC. User interface code is HTML5, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

How are transactions secured?

We use a Payment Gateway secured over TLS 1.2 and we do not store your payment information on our servers.

Where is my data located and how is it secured?

We use Amazon cloud services to host our data and web servers. All sensitive information is encrypted and all traffic in and out of the servers is encrypted over a secure connection. Web traffic is secured over a TLS 1.2 connection with 256 bit encryption.

How often is my data backed up and what happens in case of a disaster?

We have a daily database backup schedule with full recovery, meaning that we can restore data to any point in time in the case of a disaster. The Amazon cloud servers we use have their own set of disaster recovery standards, including geo-redundancy.

Can we get copies of our data?

Your data is always available through our comprehensive reporting engine, which can provide exports in formats such as CSV and XML that more easily consumed by other software. If you have a more specialized request, please contact us and we'll be happy to discuss.

If you haven't found your answer, you can reach us here.